If I have heard it once, I have heard it hundreds of times... I understand we are trying, well, something with this worship style, but does it have to... Read More...
There will be many times when you don’t lead worship with a larger team. Leading solo at a Bible study, youth event, or camp may require just a guitar... Read More...
The battle between guitar players and sound techs has been raging for years. Guitar players want to turn their amps up to eleven and sound techs are t... Read More...
So you want to grow your worship team…You are trying to determine the best way to audition prospective worship team members and to come up with a succ... Read More...
A worship service can be a highly emotional time. The powerful music, crowds of people, the aura of God’s majesty, and turning one’s attention to him ... Read More...
Chances are the members of your worship team struggle with some of the same things you do. It is not uncommon to sink into a spiritual and even profes... Read More...
What you’re about to read is a true story.
In one worship service, actual fire came down from heaven. The whole area was pulsating with God’s glory... Read More...
Planning a worship service is a big deal. I probably don’t have to convince you about the importance of planning ahead for every worship service. Even... Read More...
Selecting worship songs is one of the most important ministries of a worship leader. If you’ve never done it before, it’s hard work! No, it’s not simp... Read More...