Before we discuss how, let’s first answer the question why. The biblical mandate found in Matthew 28:19 (known as The Great Commission) clearly states... Read More...
Yesterday, I was driving by a nearby church, and noticed their big LED sign out front: "SINNERS WELCOME!!!" My first reaction was, "Hey, that's great... Read More...
Once upon a time, in a land far away, in an age of castles, kings, and popes, there was a group of people known as hermits. These Christian hermits, a... Read More...
Sunday School. The term conjures up images of Bible-toting, well-dressed children trooping into classes. It brings back visions of a flannelgraph Apos... Read More...
You hear the words "mission" and "vision" float around a lot. They're part of business jargon. They're high-flying words. They are part of the voc... Read More...