You've probably heard the saying, "the devil is in the details." The phrase is derived from an earlier idiom, "God is in the details." Whatever you th... Read More...
When you wake up each day, what's the first thing to enter your mind? "Coffee! Now!" Or, "AGH. I'm late again!" Or, "Not another day of school, my bos... Read More...
Yesterday, I was driving by a nearby church, and noticed their big LED sign out front: "SINNERS WELCOME!!!" My first reaction was, "Hey, that's great... Read More...
If you sit down and really think about it, there's a whole lot about "church" that's not biblical. At all. I'm not saying it's wrong. I'm just saying ... Read More...
Albert Einstein said, "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former." Coming from a guy who w... Read More...
We're a pretty tough culture. Independent. Pioneer-spirited. Entrepreneurial. Capable. Self-reliant. Even as Christians, the independent-mindednes... Read More...
There's no arguing with the fact: church planting is on the rise. With every movement, trend, issue, or fad that comes down the pike, it helps to... Read More...
Dave Kraft has kindly contributed the following article, "The Comparison Circus," to the blog. Dave serves as the Pastor of Coaching and Leadershi... Read More...