Innovation is important, but it's also hard. We live in a time of change. In order to remain effective, strategic, and relevant, we must innovate. So ... Read More...
If you sit down and really think about it, there's a whole lot about "church" that's not biblical. At all. I'm not saying it's wrong. I'm just saying ... Read More...
Church leadership is important. Incredibly important. It only follows that church leadership meetings—whether it be the meetings of elders, church sta... Read More...
Churches are dying. Today, at least ten churches will die. Today, fifty pastors will resign or retire. As a whole, the church appears to be on the... Read More...
Some pastors today favor the "shock value of sermons...sometimes with an f-bomb or two thrown in for good measure," reports Christianity Today. Ot... Read More...
Let's get some definitions out there:
pulpit |ˈpoŏlˌpit; ˈpəl-; -pət| (noun)
a raised platform or lectern in a church or chapel from which the... Read More...