Using New Media to Spread the Gospel in Today’s Churches
How to enhance messages, encourage attendance and engage a new generation
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How would you feel if I told you that you and your were breaking the law right now? And then how would you feel if I quoted a verse like Romans 13... Read More...
The title of this post might cause you to read it twice. “Let the pastor do the teaching and the church do the preaching.” Okay, so what does that... Read More...
So you’re a church administrator, leader, or volunteer and you want to get better at the world of technology. Not a bad idea at all. The way to get ... Read More...
Pastors, as human beings, could use some encouragement. When you think about it, most pastors have a tough job. While every job has its own share ... Read More...
Is the church in need of a new reformation? Undeniably, yes. Rife with materialism, sliding toward compromise, and embroiled in selfishness and pe... Read More...
Introducing the topic of “worship music” in a group of Christians is kind of like lighting a match in a propane plant. Things can get hot and dama... Read More...
It can be discouraging. Your weekly church offerings are about the same amount as your childhood piggy bank savings. Maybe you’re in a situation w... Read More...
Plan or die. It’s the way of life for a church administrator. The ability to plan is as necessary to a church administrator as having hands is nec... Read More...