Gerry was an amazing pastor. He could do just about anything. He had a blazing intellect, and could exposit a passage like you wouldn’t believe. H... Read More...
The advent of church media has created a whole new niche specialty—the tech-guru, ministry-oriented, servant-hearted, constantly-available, people-per... Read More...
If you think about it too long, it can be depressing. Mark Sauder. Tiger Woods. Mark Sanford. John Kerry. John Ensign. Ted Haggard. The list of ce... Read More...
An article about the importance of the Bible is often regarded of as one of two things: 1) passé, or 2) cliché. Without descending into cliché, it... Read More...
So maybe you're not quite ready for Sunday to get here. It's a big day - Father's Day - and you wish that you had some more time to prep things, e... Read More...
So maybe you're not quite ready for Sunday to get here. It's a big day - Father's Day - and you wish that you had some more time to prep things, esp... Read More...
When it comes to churches, is bigger really better? There is a common assumption among church leaders and church attendees, that the bigger the ch... Read More...
Today, we've taken a brief excerpt from Francis Chan's recent book, Forgotten God. If you're interested, the book is available for a free download... Read More...
(The following is excerpted from a recent Sharefaith white paper publication.)
Strengthen the Worship Focus
Introducing new media as a backd...