Eric Foley knows about money, but not in the way you might be thinking. The ministry of Eric Foley involves how Christians should think about and ... Read More...
Sunday School. The term conjures up images of Bible-toting, well-dressed children trooping into classes. It brings back visions of a flannelgraph Apos... Read More...
Today, we are featuring an interview with the Joshua Project. Chances are, you've heard about Joshua Project, and maybe seen a link on a blog to t... Read More...
Three! Two! One! The countdown timer hits 00:00. The house lights go down. The stage lights go up. The screens flash an intro scene, and with a po... Read More...
As an addition to the recent article on atheism, Christian Arguments Against Atheism, we wanted to provide a succinct overview of the various proofs... Read More...
Some pastors today favor the "shock value of sermons...sometimes with an f-bomb or two thrown in for good measure," reports Christianity Today. Ot... Read More...
Okay, really obvious statement: Pastors are busy people. And amidst the frenetic schedule of a pastor, anything that is not totally urgent may ge... Read More...
Most pastors and church leaders have probably spent some time studying 1 Tim 3:1-7. This passage outlines the requirements for an elder or oversee... Read More...
People have problems. Plain and simple. These problems can range from things as serious as abusive home situations and substance addiction, or as simp... Read More...