Celebrate Independence Day with these top 15 4th of July church graphics! Sharefaith has all of your media resources from PowerPoint templates, worshi... Read More...
We've all heard 'Dad Jokes' before. What are 'Dad Jokes'? Think about the funniest joke you've heard recently, it's not anything like that. The nature... Read More...
Are you in need of some Father’s Day media for your upcoming Father’s Day service at church? Look no further! Sharefaith has the top 20 Christian Fath... Read More...
It might surprise you in this digital and self-publishing age we live in, that there are still about 100 publishers in the US of varying sizes. Many of these publishers are smaller, producing only a handful of titles each year, but some are very large, multi-imprint companies that serve Christians all around the world.
Churches are no different from other organizations in that sometimes there simply needs to be a change. Whether it is a change in strategy, how work g... Read More...
James tells us that, “Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly” (3... Read More...
Christian books are popular, millions being sold not only in the local Bible and book shop, but at Targets and airports around the globe. While the wo... Read More...
Women thrive on fellowship and bible studies are a great way to make friends, identify prayer partners and grow in your faith. Starting a woman’s bibl... Read More...
"Devotion" in the dictionary means love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause. It can take many shapes and can be expressed in mult... Read More...