In an old classic movie from the 90s, the owner of an auto parts factory gives his dim-witted son a plush office job even though he just graduated fro... Read More...
The reality is that many of us have churches that are in transition, rapid growth, or undergoing leadership challenges. Aversion is the common respons... Read More...
Close your eyes and think back to the last time you suffered with a painful dental or medical malady. Now, imagine if there were no hope for relief an... Read More...
Quality management is not a new concept to many industries. As far back as the 13th century, there were established models for managing and improving ... Read More...
Ever since Moses, Christians have been writing books. These books have been written in stone, on papyrus, and in codices. They’ve been stored in scrol... Read More...
Governing boards are responsible for ensuring that the organization fulfills its core mission. This is done by developing strategy, monitoring perform... Read More...
Most people will visit a church several times before making a decision to call that church home. The challenge lies in the reality that visitors can s... Read More...
I have very few hang-ups about volunteering (I’ll get to those later), it’s just that my schedule is so full already it’s hard to find the time to do ... Read More...
One of the biggest hurdles for a church tech is how to set up a microphone for a pastor. I know many seasoned audio engineers who work in the full-tim... Read More...