For all our talk about prayer, we probably don’t do enough of it. One of the best ways to improve in prayer, however, is to do it in community. This i... Read More...
According to Matthew 5:7, mercy is an investment: “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” The initial investment was given to us when... Read More...
When I was a kid, I remember going to men’s prayer breakfasts at my church. Often, my dad would take me and my three brothers. I think these events st... Read More...
Here we are in the digital age. Money moves on the Internet, a bitcoin is worth $125, people bank on their smartphones, PayPal has more money than For... Read More...
I’m sitting in my neighborhood Starbucks contemplating the topic of inviting people to church. I’m not certain why the subject makes hairs stand up on... Read More...
Every political party has a platform. The more the platform connects with the public, the greater the chance of success in any election. Not only do p... Read More...
Christmas is about giving. After all, that's the very essence of what Christ did. He made the incredible sacrifice of his very life to save us. This i... Read More...
If you're human, you know what selfishness is. If you're a believer, you have undoubtedly struggled with selfishness in your own heart. It's important... Read More...
In six or seven months, church members will start boarding planes and heading overseas en masse. No, it's not a modern-day exodus to the Promised Land... Read More...