Mixing for church worship - The ultimate 10 step guide. As a volunteer sound tech for your church, you probably have not done sound for a living and a... Read More...
It's intriguing to ponder the role of holiness, or our perception thereof, as it plays in worship leading. Considering the fact that many churches emp... Read More...
What happens when you lead thousands of worship services with ease is that there are those few in your history there to keep you humble and grounded. ... Read More...
I am sitting in a coffee shop thinking about my worship experiences over the last several years. I have been blessed to be involved with many churches... Read More...
‘Tis the season for those Christmas carols and hymns that we all know and love. Every year we are blessed with the opportunity to remember our Lord Je... Read More...
If you are a hard working, conscientious worship leader, you are always striving toward making your worship better; better for you, for your team, and... Read More...
What will it take to declare the worship wars over? Sign whatever truce needs to be signed, agree to disagree, raise a white flag, choose an ending, b... Read More...
9 years ago I got my very first set of custom in-ear monitors, a pair of UE7’s from Ultimate Ears. I still remember the day I opened the box and put t... Read More...
If I have heard it once, I have heard it hundreds of times... I understand we are trying, well, something with this worship style, but does it have to... Read More...