People have problems. Plain and simple. These problems can range from things as serious as abusive home situations and substance addiction, or as simp... Read More...
Atheism declares that there is no god. Christianity teaches that there is a God. Both cannot be true. So which one is correct, the atheist or the ... Read More...
Every so often, Sharefaith interviews people who are involved in Christian ministry where creative arts and media are major part of their calling.... Read More...
So Spain won the 2010 FIFA World Cup. What an event! Thirty-two teams. Sixty-four matches. One hundred forty-five goals scored, and hundreds of mi... Read More...
It can be discouraging. Your weekly church offerings are about the same amount as your childhood piggy bank savings. Maybe you’re in a situation w... Read More...
The church attendees at Lake View Community Church did one of three things during the Sunday preaching. Once the singing was over, they would eith... Read More...
Every pastor wants it. But no pastor gets enough of it. And, no, this is not a discussion about time or money. What could a pastor could use more ... Read More...