"Friends everywhere, I ask you to pray as I preach," said Charles Fuller. "In all my ministry never have I felt the conflict of Satanic powers as I d... Read More...
July 4, 2017, marks 241 years since the American colonies declared independence from the British Empire. For the American colonists, the after effects... Read More...
According to Asia Harvest, there are approximately 84 million Protestant Christians and 21 million Catholics in China. That sounds like a lot of peopl... Read More...
As the summer begins, it might be fruitful and challenging to ask about vacations. Is it biblical to take a summer vacation? Is vacation such a modern... Read More...
South Sudan is a landlocked country that claimed its independence in 2011, making it the world's newest nation. Sudan is in the north, Ethiopia is to ... Read More...
One of the greatest joys of a father is serving his family. The more we aim to treat our family like our Father treats us, the better impact we'll hav... Read More...
What is it like being an artist in the local church today? If you are musical, you surely have an honored place in the worship team, but if you are a ... Read More...
Syria. If you drive to the northern most point in Israel, you can look at its southern border. That's how close it is to Jerusalem; even closer to the... Read More...
On May 21, 2017, after 147 years, the Ringling Brothers Circus and Barnum & Bailey Circus ended. No more clowns, no more tigers, no more daredevil... Read More...