With 150 Psalms in the Bible, there are many powerful, life-changing chapters and verses. King David wrote 73 of the 150 and his heart is felt as we r... Read More...
Whether you are a pastor, worship leader, on the worship team or a volunteer, we all can suffer from church ministry burnout. If we are not careful, w... Read More...
The simple way to describe the church history is that the Apostles founded churches all over. (Early Church Mission by Eckhard Schnabel is worth havin... Read More...
What is a Christian band, anyway? There are stories of foul language and fallen stars in the CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) world. There are also ... Read More...
What is a revival? Growing up in the southern United States, I can remember revival meetings that lasted at least a week. Every night you'd attend chu... Read More...
The joy and challenge of Scripture is that all of it is "God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,"... Read More...
Just so we are clear, I do not believe the Bible directly tells us how to vote in the 2016 election. And, yes, I have my personal opinions. However, t... Read More...
We've all heard 'Dad Jokes' before. What are 'Dad Jokes'? Think about the funniest joke you've heard recently, it's not anything like that. The nature... Read More...
Raising a family is a daunting task, not for the faint of heart. Our modern times are filled with a ton of choices, distracting us from sure-fire habi... Read More...