Sharefaith Reviews
See why 120,000 churches have used Sharefaith over the last 14 years!

Customer Reviews
Sharefaith Reviews contains a current list of actual user reviews on Sharefaith, it’s products, services and support as well as well as web hosting reviews for churches. Over the last 14 years, Sharefaith has served nearly 120,000 churches globally, repeatedly won awards for excellence and service, and continues to excel in user satisfaction. These reviews for Sharefaith clearly show why our customers love our all-in-one church resource, covering their entire worship media, kids, outreach and tech departments. All these Sharefaith customer reviews will make it clear that Sharefaith is the right decision for you and your ministry!
What people are saying about
“We run a small non-profit that ministers to about 180 churches. We have no IT guys or graphics staff, but Sharefaith has helped us make our programs, flyers and communication pieces look professional. Thanks so much.”
Jeannie Harris Vogel
What people are saying about
Kids Min
Absolutely the best resource for children’s ministry I have ever used. We have been completely satisfied with the products and the service we receive. If you are looking for a great children’s ministry resource, check Share Faith Kids out today!
Chris Blackburn
What people are saying about
I highly recommend Sharefaith. It is very useful and makes creating a website an easy task. They have a great customer service team.
Narcisse Francis
What people are saying about
So easy & it can be done at any time.
Linda, Liberty Church
What people are saying about
Great staff and help when needed. New interface is easy to use.
Randy Hanson, Journey Church
What people are saying about
Church Management
It has truly simplified and streamlined our ability as a church to organize our membership information, assimilate new members into small groups and to track and follow up on guests.
Kevin B., Senior Pastor